Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R)

Senator - Mississippi
Capitol Address:
702 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Fax: 202-224-5321
Phone: 202-224-5054
District Address:
190 E Capitol St Ste 550
Jackson, MS 39201
Fax: 601-965-4919
Phone: 601-965-4459
Vote Record Bill Name Bill Description Approved Position
2023-2024 Regular Session (118th) H.R. 3746 The legislation will maintain economic stability and avoid any potential disruptions that could negatively impact our members and the broader economy. The consequences of failing to raise the debt ceiling would be severe, causing substantial disruptions in the financial markets and potentially leading to a downgrade of the United States' credit rating. Such outcomes would raise borrowing costs for businesses and consumers alike, resulting in reduced access to credit, higher interest rates, and dampen consumer confidence. These factors would directly impact retail sales, business investments, and job creation; creating a ripple effect throughout the entire economy. Read NRF's Key Vote letter. NRF POSITION: SUPPORT. 
2023-2024 Regular Session (118th) HJRES 98 By reversing more than a quarter-century of legal precedent by fiat, the NLRB rule will increase liability for businesses of all sizes. The rules as finalized, however, are particularly harmful for small businesses. Larger businesses will be hesitant to contract with smaller businesses, particularly new and unproven market entrants. Over time, larger, more established firms will avoid currently common arms-lengths agreements between themselves and small businesses, including vendor contracts, franchise agreements, and licensing arrangements. If they do contract with small businesses, larger businesses will be reluctant to offer services and guidance out of fear of triggering increased liability. Read NRF's Key Vote Letter. NRF POSITION: SUPPORT.
2023-2024 Regular Session (118th) S. 140 This legislation would help counter rising organized retail crime, which costs retailers billions in stolen merchandise and threatens the safety of retail workers and customers. Retail loss prevention teams and state and local law enforcement have active efforts to investigate ORC groups and build cases but are frequently hampered by a lack of visibility into the scope of retail crime groups’ broader activities, nationally and internationally. The Combating Organized Retail Crime Act of 2023 would help remedy this issue by creating an interagency ORC Coordination Center at Homeland Security Investigations. Click here to view the Key Vote Letter. NRF POSITION:  SUPPORT. 
2023-2024 Regular Session (118th) S. 1838 This legislation would provide much—needed relief to retailers and consumers by injecting competition into the credit card routing market. Interchange or “swipe” fees totaled a record $160.7 billion in 2022, a $22 billion increase from the previous year. In fact, American retailers and merchants pay the highest swipe fee rates in the world, which has led to swipe fees being most retailers’ highest cost after labor. Read NRF's Key Vote letter. NRF POSITION: SUPPORT. 
2023-2024 Regular Session (118th) S. 567 Strips away workers’ free choice in union elections and their privacy rights, interferes with employers’ ability to secure legal advice on complex labor matters, expands joint employer liability, prohibits the use of arbitration for employment matters, and strips away “secondary boycott” protections among other provisions. NRF Position: OPPOSE
2023-2024 Regular Session (118th) S. 4260 The bill establishes a broad array of workplace regulations and legal causes of action specific to the warehousing sector that go far beyond protections available to workers in much more physically challenging and dangerous environments. This, despite the fact that warehouse worksites are already regulated at the federal and state level, and aggrieved employees have extensive employment rights under existing law. Notably, the bill would also overturn Congress’s 2001 prohibition on OSHA ever regulating ergonomics in the workplace and would mandate a new ergonomics standard. Click here to read NRF's Key Vote letter. NRF POSITION: OPPOSE
Legend: = supports NRF's position; = opposes NRF's position; = absent; blank = no data;