Scorecard, 115th Congress (2017-2018)

Legend: = supports NRF's position; = opposes NRF's position; = absent; blank = no data;
Name H.R. 620 H.R. 1101 H.R. 6311 H.R. 6199 H.R. 4979 H.R. 1 H.R. 1 H.R. 3441
Adams, Alma S. (D-North Carolina-12)
Aderholt, Robert B. (R-Alabama-4)
Aguilar, Peter R. (D-California-33)
Allen, Richard W. (R-Georgia-12)
Amodei, Mark E. (R-Nevada-2)
Arrington, Jodey C. (R-Texas-19)
Babin, Brian (R-Texas-36)
Bacon, Donald J. (R-Nebraska-2)
Balderson, Troy (R-Ohio-12)
Banks, James E. (R-Indiana-3)
Barr, Garland H. (R-Kentucky-6)
Barragan, Nanette Diaz (D-California-44)
Beatty, Joyce (D-Ohio-3)
Bera, Amerish B. (D-California-6)
Bergman, John W. (R-Michigan-1)
Beyer, Donald S. (D-Virginia-8)
Biggs, Andy (R-Arizona-5)
Bilirakis, Gus M. (R-Florida-12)
Bishop, Sanford D. (D-Georgia-2)
Blumenauer, Earl (D-Oregon-3)
Blunt Rochester, Lisa (D-Delaware-1)
Bonamici, Suzanne (D-Oregon-1)
Bost, Mike (R-Illinois-12)
Brownley, Julia (D-California-26)
Buchanan, Vernon G. (R-Florida-16)
Bucshon, Larry D. (R-Indiana-8)
Burgess, Michael C. (R-Texas-26)
Calvert, Ken (R-California-41)
Carbajal, Salud (D-California-24)
Cardenas, Antonio (D-California-29)
Carson, André D. (D-Indiana-7)
Carter, Earl L. (R-Georgia-1)
Carter, John R. (R-Texas-31)
Castor, Katherine A. (D-Florida-14)
Castro, Joaquín (D-Texas-2)
Chu, Judy M. (D-California-28)
Clark, Katherine M. (D-Massachusetts-5)
Clarke, Yvette D. (D-New York-9)
Cleaver, Emanuel (D-Missouri-5)
Cloud, Michael J. (R-Texas-27)
Clyburn, James E. (D-South Carolina-6)
Cohen, Steve (D-Tennessee-9)
Cole, Thomas J. (R-Oklahoma-4)
Comer, James R. (R-Kentucky-1)
Connolly, Gerald (D-Virginia-11)
Correa, Jose Luis (D-California-46)
Costa, James Manuel (D-California-21)
Courtney, Joseph (D-Connecticut-2)
Crawford, Eric A. (R-Arkansas-1)
Cuellar, Henry R. (D-Texas-28)
Curtis, John R. (R-Utah-3)
Davidson, Warren (R-Ohio-8)
Davis, Daniel K. (D-Illinois-7)
DeGette, Diana (D-Colorado-1)
DeLauro, Rosa L. (D-Connecticut-3)
DeSaulnier, Mark J. (D-California-1)
DelBene, Suzan K. (D-Washington-1)
DesJarlais, Scott (R-Tennessee-4)
Diaz-Balart, Mario (R-Florida-26)
Dingell, Deborah A. (D-Michigan-6)
Duncan, Jeffrey D. (R-South Carolina-3)
Dunn, Neal P. (R-Florida-2)
Emmer, Thomas E. (R-Minnesota-6)
Eshoo, Anna G. (D-California-16)
Espaillat, Adriano (D-New York-13)
Estes, Ron (R-Kansas-4)
Ferguson, Anderson Drew (R-Georgia-3)
Fleischmann, Charles (R-Tennessee-3)
Foster, Bill (D-Illinois-11)
Foxx, Virginia A. (R-North Carolina-5)
Frankel, Lois J. (D-Florida-22)
Gaetz, Matthew (R-Florida-1)
Gallego, Ruben M. (D-Arizona-3)
Garamendi, John (D-California-8)
Gomez, Jimmy (D-California-34)
Gonzalez, Vicente (D-Texas-34)
González-Cólon, Jenniffer A. (R-Puerto Rico-1)
Gosar, Paul (R-Arizona-9)
Gottheimer, Joshua S. (D-New Jersey-5)
Granger, Kay (R-Texas-12)
Graves, Garret (R-Louisiana-6)
Graves, Samuel B. (R-Missouri-6)
Green, Al (D-Texas-9)
Griffith, H. Morgan (R-Virginia-9)
Grijalva, Raul M. (D-Arizona-7)
Grothman, Glenn (R-Wisconsin-6)
Guthrie, Brett (R-Kentucky-2)
Harris, Andrew P. (R-Maryland-1)
Hern, Kevin (R-Oklahoma-1)
Higgins, Clay (R-Louisiana-3)
Hill, James French (R-Arkansas-2)
Himes, Jim (D-Connecticut-4)
Hoyer, Steny H. (D-Maryland-5)
Hudson, Richard (R-North Carolina-9)
Huffman, Jared (D-California-2)
Huizenga, William P. (R-Michigan-4)
Jayapal, Pramila (D-Washington-7)
Jeffries, Hakeem (D-New York-8)
Johnson, Hank (D-Georgia-4)
Johnson, James Michael (R-Louisiana-4)
Jordan, Jim (R-Ohio-4)
Joyce, David (R-Ohio-14)
Kaptur, Marcy (D-Ohio-9)
Keating, William (D-Massachusetts-9)
Kelly, Robin L. (D-Illinois-2)
Kelly, Trent (R-Mississippi-1)
Khanna, Rohit (D-California-17)
Kildee, Daniel T. (D-Michigan-8)
Kilmer, Derek C. (D-Washington-6)
Krishnamoorthi, S. Raja (D-Illinois-8)
Kuster, Ann (D-New Hampshire-2)
Kustoff, David F. (R-Tennessee-8)
LaHood, Darin M. (R-Illinois-16)
LaMalfa, Douglas L. (R-California-1)
Lamborn, Douglas L. (R-Colorado-5)
Larsen, Rick (D-Washington-2)
Larson, John B. (D-Connecticut-1)
Latta, Robert E. (R-Ohio-5)
Lee, Barbara (D-California-12)
Lesko, Debbie (R-Arizona-8)
Lieu, Ted W. (D-California-36)
Lofgren, Zoe (D-California-18)
Loudermilk, Barry D. (R-Georgia-11)
Lucas, Frank D. (R-Oklahoma-3)
Luetkemeyer, Blaine (R-Missouri-3)
Lynch, Stephen F. (D-Massachusetts-8)
Massie, Thomas H. (R-Kentucky-4)
Mast, Brian (R-Florida-21)
Matsui, Doris O. (D-California-7)
McCaul, Michael T. (R-Texas-1)
McClintock, Thomas M. (R-California-5)
McCollum, Betty (D-Minnesota-4)
McGovern, James (D-Massachusetts-2)
McHenry, Patrick T. (R-North Carolina-1)
McMorris Rodgers, Cathy A. (R-Washington-5)
Meeks, Gregory W. (D-New York-5)
Meng, Grace (D-New York-6)
Moolenaar, John R. (R-Michigan-2)
Mooney, Alexander X. (R-West Virginia-2)
Moore, Gwen S. (D-Wisconsin-4)
Morelle, Joseph D. (D-New York-25)
Moulton, Seth W. (D-Massachusetts-6)
Nadler, Jerrold (D-New York-12)
Napolitano, Grace F. (D-California-31)
Neal, Richard E. (D-Massachusetts-1)
Newhouse, Daniel M. (R-Washington-4)
Norcross, Donald W. (D-New Jersey-1)
Norman, Ralph W. (R-South Carolina-5)
Norton, Eleanor Holmes (D-District of Columbia-1)
Pallone, Frank J. (D-New Jersey-6)
Palmer, Gary J. (R-Alabama-6)
Panetta, James V. (D-California-19)
Pascrell, William J. (D-New Jersey-9)
Pelosi, Nancy P. (D-California-11)
Peters, Scott H. (D-California-5)
Pingree, Chellie (D-Maine-1)
Plaskett, Stacey E. (D-Virgin Islands-1)
Pocan, Mark (D-Wisconsin-2)
Posey, Bill (R-Florida-8)
Quigley, Michael (D-Illinois-5)
Radewagen, Amata Coleman (R-American Samoa-1)
Raskin, Jamin B. (D-Maryland-8)
Rogers, Harold (R-Kentucky-5)
Rogers, Michael D. (R-Alabama-3)
Rouzer, David (R-North Carolina-7)
Ruiz, Raul (D-California-25)
Ruppersberger, Charles A. (D-Maryland-2)
Rutherford, John H. (R-Florida-5)
Sablan, Gregorio K. (I-Northern Mariana Islands-1)
Sanchez, Linda T. (D-California-38)
Sarbanes, John P. (D-Maryland-3)
Scalise, Stephen J. (R-Louisiana-1)
Schakowsky, Jan (D-Illinois-9)
Schiff, Adam B. (D-California-3)
Schneider, Bradley S. (D-Illinois-1)
Schweikert, David (R-Arizona-1)
Scott, David A. (D-Georgia-13)
Scott, James Austin (R-Georgia-8)
Scott, Robert C. (D-Virginia-3)
Sewell, Terrycina A. (D-Alabama-7)
Sherman, Bradley J. (D-California-32)
Simpson, Michael K. (R-Idaho-2)
Smith, Adam (D-Washington-9)
Smith, Adrian M. (R-Nebraska-3)
Smith, Christopher H. (R-New Jersey-4)
Smith, Jason T. (R-Missouri-8)
Soto, Darren M. (D-Florida-9)
Stefanik, Elise M. (R-New York-21)
Swalwell, Eric M. (D-California-14)
Takano, Mark A. (D-California-39)
Thompson, Bennie G. (D-Mississippi-2)
Thompson, Charles M. (D-California-4)
Titus, Alice C. (D-Nevada-1)
Tonko, Paul D. (D-New York-2)
Torres, Norma J. (D-California-35)
Turner, Michael R. (R-Ohio-1)
Vargas, Juan C. (D-California-52)
Veasey, Marc (D-Texas-33)
Velázquez, Nydia M. (D-New York-7)
Wagner, Ann L. (R-Missouri-2)
Walberg, Timothy L. (R-Michigan-5)
Wasserman Schultz, Deborah (D-Florida-25)
Waters, Maxine M. (D-California-43)
Watson Coleman, Bonnie (D-New Jersey-12)
Weber, Randy (R-Texas-14)
Webster, Daniel A. (R-Florida-11)
Wenstrup, Brad R. (R-Ohio-2)
Westerman, Bruce E. (R-Arkansas-4)
Williams, John Roger (R-Texas-25)
Wilson, Addison G. (R-South Carolina-2)
Wilson, Frederica S. (D-Florida-24)
Wittman, Robert J. (R-Virginia-1)
Womack, Stephen A. (R-Arkansas-3)

H.R. 620 On Passage -- ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017 (2/15/2018)

Provides an opportunity for business owners to cure a default of public accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  This legislation will curb drive-by lawsuits filed by trial attorneys that seek a quick legal settlement rather than addressing the issue that makes a business inaccessible to disabled persons.   back to top...

H.R. 1101 On Passage -- Small Business Health Fairness Act (3/22/2017)

H.R. 1101 would allow small businesses to band together through existing associations or organizations to purchase health insurance plans.  back to top...

H.R. 6311 On Passage -- Increasing Access to Lower Premium Plans and Expanding Health Savings Accounts Act of 2018 (7/25/2018)

H.R. 6311 would delay imposition of the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance tax or HIT which disproportionately affects small businesses. It would also allow working Medicare Part A eligible individuals to continue to contribute to HSAs.  back to top...

H.R. 6199 On Passage -- Restoring Access to Medication Act (7/25/2018)

H.R. 6199 makes a small investment ($250 for individuals, $500 for families) in first dollar coverage for chronic care. In addition, H.R. 6199 provides additional flexibility for retail and onsite clinics, which can serve an important role as a more convenient care option. Allowing reimbursement for certain over-the-counter medical products is both fair and appropriate.  back to top...

H.R. 4979 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended -- To extend the Generalized System of Preferences and to make technical changes to the competitive need limitations provision of the program (2/13/2018)

GSP has always enjoyed strong bipartisan support in Congress. It permits American companies, including retailers, to lower costs by importing a wide variety of inputs and finished goods, duty-free, from designated developing countries. These lower costs enhance both U.S. and foreign companies in very poor countries to grow their businesses and support employment. For American retailers, millions of dollars of duty-savings are passed on to American families through lower prices. The economic growth the program promotes in beneficiary countries is important to U.S. foreign and security interests around the globe. back to top...

H.R. 1 On Agreeing to the Conference Report -- Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (12/19/2017)

Final passage of the Conference Report to H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  This legislation will lower taxes for individuals, small and large retailers, broaden the tax base and increase investment in American communities.  Passage of tax reform is a major victory for retailers who currently pay the highest tax rate of any business sector, and for the millions of consumers who shop every day. Reform must jump start the economy, encourage companies to invest here in the United States, increase wages and expand opportunities for employees, and protect our small business community, of which the vast majority are retailers. 
  back to top...

H.R. 1 On Passage -- Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (11/16/2017)

Reduces corporate and individual tax rates and simplifies the tax code. Reducing the corporate rate will help attract investment to the U.S., which will help to increase wages and increase consumer spending. back to top...

H.R. 3441 On Passage -- Save Local Business Act (11/7/2017)

Retailers of all sizes and in every portion of the country continue to have significant concerns with the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) controversial decision in the court case pertaining to Browning-Ferris Industries (32-RC-109684), which upended decades of precedent and fundamentally redefined who an employer is. In Browning-Ferris, the NLRB expanded the joint employer definition to include employers with indirect or even unexercised potential control over working conditions. Under the broader standard, the NLRB created the impossible scenario in which one business can be held liable for the actions of another entirely independent business, such as a subcontractor or franchisee. The Save Local Business Act would establish a commonsense definition of employer under the National Labor Relations Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act, restoring much-needed clarity for employees and employers alike. back to top...