Policy Issue


Statue of Liberty

The issue 

Now more than ever, retail employers need workers at every skill level. NRF supports practical, comprehensive immigration reform that addresses the needs of both employers and those of the broader economy. The current immigration system is broken and in need of bipartisan reform.

Why it matters to retailers 

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Immigration reform legislation should be written in a way that makes the system workable, so that employers can legally hire immigrants of all skill levels. NRF believes requirements for employers to verify the legal status of employees should be limited to new hires, keep penalties appropriate to the violation, preempt state and local laws, and provide employers with protection against lawsuits.

NRF advocates for immigration reform to address the ongoing workforce shortage

NRF has called on Congress to pass “practical, comprehensive” immigration reform that is “both agile and responsive.” Increasing the number of visas available for guest workers and high-tech workers while protecting employers from burdensome enforcement requirements are top priorities for retailers. Efforts to restrict visas would have a significant impact on the retail workforce.

NRF supports the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and believes proposals to end the program and deport participants would cause significant disruptions in the workforce. NRF has gone to court to fight efforts to dismantle DACA and has called on Congress to pass legislation providing permanent protection to participants. NRF is a member of the Coalition for the American Dream, which supports DACA.

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