Highlighting the industry of opportunity at the Retail Advocates Summit

The NRF Foundation’s RISE Up program is helping shape retail’s future
Allie Herman
NRF Government Relations

At the 2022 Retail Advocates Summit, retailers will come together to directly connect with policymakers and tell retail’s story. The NRF Foundation will be featured as part of The Retail Experience, an interactive journey through the retail industry that demonstrates retail’s role in driving the economy, providing jobs and impacting lives and communities across the country.

An exhibit called “Our Opportunities” highlights the Foundation’s RISE Up training program, which gives people the skills they need to secure a career in retail and beyond. More than 900 high schools, career-and-technical education centers, and workforce boards nationwide use the program, and nearly 500,000 people have earned a first chance or a fresh start with the industry-recognized training.

During The Retail Experience, members of Congress can learn more about the Foundation’s national partnership with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, and hear the stories of a graduate of the RISE Up program and the 2022 NRF Foundation RISE Up Partner of the Year.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of America partnership gives students the opportunities and skills they need to advance their future careers. The organization has implemented the RISE Up Retail Industry Fundamentals training program and continues to grow nationwide to provide club members connections to the retail world and life-long skills.

RISE Up graduate Alex Garcia’s life was completely transformed by the program. After being incarcerated and growing up in the system, Garcia had trouble finding employment. The program gave him the training and opportunity to earn his Customer Service and Sales certification at Goodwill Southern California. After multiple promotions, he is currently a case manager and is paying it forward by helping those with similar experiences.

The 2022 NRF RISE Up Partner of the Year, Trevor G. Browne High School, has seen the positive impact the program has on students, families and the rest of the community. Through the high school’s marketing program, students gain firsthand experience in the retail industry by running an on-campus store, where they learn important skills and jobs necessary to run a business. Along with this program, students can attend a career fair connecting them with hiring managers.

The NRF Foundation looks forward to celebrating these incredible accomplishments and sharing their stories at this year’s Retail Advocates Summit.

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