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| Back to School, Economy
Most families still don’t know what supplies students need for school and college this year, but more expect at least some classes to take place online than a month ago and say they are buying more computers and other items to be ready, according to NRF and Prosper Insights & Analytics.
| Retail Sales, Economy
Retail sales continued to recover from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic in July, growing more slowly than the month before but adding to the strong turnaround seen since this spring’s declines, NRF said.
| Port Tracker, Supply Chain, Trade, Economy
Imports at major U.S. retail container ports during 2020 are expected to see their lowest total in four years as the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the U.S. economy continues, according to the monthly Global Port Tracker report from NRF and Hackett Associates.
| Economy, Data Security
With consumers worried about touching surfaces during the coronavirus pandemic, the use of mobile payments and contactless credit or debit cards has significantly increased in the past few months, according to research from NRF and Forrester.
| Economy, Economic Review
Despite broad indications that the economy has begun to recover as businesses reopen from the coronavirus pandemic, conflicting data makes it difficult to say how steadily the comeback will continue, NRF Chief Economist Jack Kleinhenz says.
The National Retail Federation today issued the following statement from NRF Senior Vice President for Government Relations David French regarding the Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools (HEALS) Act, the Republican version of additional stimulus funds, in response to the coronavirus pandemic: 
| Economy
NRF welcomed legislation introduced this week that would give small businesses new coronavirus pandemic assistance that could be used to pay expenses such as rent and taxes rather than just employee wages.
NRF, AAFA, FDRA, RILA and USFIA are working together to address the situation.
NRF and several prominent business organizations including the National Association of Manufacturers, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, TechNet and Intrax filed a lawsuit in federal court opposing President Trump’s proclamation suspending new nonimmigrant visas.
NRF urged the Senate to approve legislation that would create a new tax credit intended to ease the cost of steps taken to make stores and other workplaces safe during the coronavirus pandemic.