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NRF welcomed the announcement that a long-sought agreement in principle on transatlantic data flows has been reached between the United States and the European Union.
| Top Retailers
The National Retail Federation released its annual list of the Top 50 Global Retailers.
NRF today said retailers plan to appeal a federal judge’s order dismissing a lawsuit seeking to have the Federal Reserve lower its cap on billions of dollars in “swipe” fees banks charge to process debit card transactions.
| Retail Sales, Economy, Annual Forecast, Forecasts
Retail sales showed a strong year-over-year gain in February, but the monthly pace slowed compared with January as inflation drove up prices and lingering effects of the COVID-19 omicron variant affected the supply chain, NRF said.
| Annual Forecast, Retail Sales, Forecasts
The National Retail Federation issued its annual forecast, anticipating that retail sales will grow between 6 percent and 8 percent to more than $4.86 trillion in 2022
| Cybersecurity
NRF welcomed final passage of legislation requiring businesses that own or operate critical infrastructure to report cyberattacks to federal authorities, saying it will help protect resources ranging from the nation’s electrical grid to the availability of essential consumer products.
| Economy
The National Retail Federation welcomed the final passage of the first major postal reform legislation approved by Congress in more than 15 years.

| Port Tracker, Supply Chain, Trade, Economy
Imports at the nation’s major retail container ports are expected to be at near-record levels this spring and summer as consumer demand and supply chain challenges continue to result in congestion, according to the monthly Global Port Tracker report from NRF and Hackett Associates.
| Economic Review, Economy
Inflation is at a 40-year high but isn’t hitting all consumers as hard as top-line numbers might suggest, NRF Chief Economist Jack Kleinhenz says. Nonetheless, consumer worries about rising prices could become self-fulfilling if workers demand higher wages to compensate and will play a role in the Federal Reserve’s efforts to bring inflation under control.
NRF has hired veteran technology policy expert Michael Lemon to manage its portfolio of e-commerce and related issues as vice president for legal affairs.