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| Economy, Trade
The National Retail Federation today issued the following statement from President and CEO Matthew Shay in regard to U.S. tariffs on $34 billion of Chinese goods set to take effect Friday.
| Customer Experience, Data Security
NRF called a new California privacy law "deeply flawed" and said customer service could be severely hampered if the legislature fails to address retailers' concerns before the measure take effect in 2020.
| Top 100 Retailers, Top Retailers, Benchmarks & Tools, Retail Transformation
Launching new strategies, augmenting the in-store experience and reengineering both logistics and digital commerce capabilities helped the largest U.S. retailers maintain their edge during the past year, according to the annual Top 100 Retailers list released today by the National Retail Federation’s STORES Magazine and Kantar Consulting.
| Workforce, Talent Development, Career Development, Careers & Leadership
The American Society of Association Executives has given their top annual award to the NRF Foundation’s RISE Up (Retail Industry Skills & Education) training and credentialing program.
| Economy, Workforce
The National Retail Federation issued the following statement from Senior Vice President for Government Relations David French after a vote on “compromise” immigration legislation failed today in the House.
| Economy
NCCR says increased biofuel levels for 2019 proposed by the EPA are too high and that Congress should repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard program.
| Economy
NRF says the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in favor of American Express rules that prevent retailers from encouraging the use of other credit cards with lower processing fees will perpetuate a system that costs merchants and consumers billions of dollars a year.
| Consumer Trends, Holidays & Seasonal, Independence Day
Americans are expected to spend $6.9 billion on food for Fourth of July cookouts and picnics next month, according to the annual survey released today by the National Retail Federation and Prosper Insight & Analytics.
| Economy, Small Business
The National Retail Federation issued the following statement from President and CEO Matthew Shay in response to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in South Dakota v. Wayfair allowing states to require online sellers to collect sales tax the same as local stores.
| Economy, Workforce
The National Retail Federation today issued the following statement from Senior Vice President for Government Relations David French after the Department of Labor finalized regulations that would help expand retailers’ access to affordable health insurance through association health plans.