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| Economy, Workforce
Retail industry employment declined by 18,000 jobs in October, not including automobile dealers, gasoline stations and restaurants, according to NRF calculations.
| Economy
NRF welcomed tax reform legislation and urged Congress to get the measure to President Trump as soon as possible.
| Economy, Small Business
NRF is urging the U.S. Supreme Court to take up a South Dakota case on whether online sellers can be required to collect sales tax the same as local stores, saying the court's landmark 1992 ruling on the issue is out of date and that collection is no longer the burden it might once have been.
| Consumer Trends, Holidays & Seasonal, Winter Holidays
Consumers say they will spend an average $967.13 this year, according to the annual survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics for the National Retail Federation.
| Economy
The National Retail Federation praised House passage of the final version of a fiscal year 2018 budget resolution.
| Economy
NRF urged the Senate to move forward on tax reform by approving the fiscal year 2016 budget resolution.
| Economy
NRF welcomed an agreement on legislation that would combine funding for Affordable Care Act subsidies and addtional enrollment outreach with waivers from some ACA mandates.
| Economy, Trade, Supply Chain
NRF says in an op-ed that the United States should work to modernize NAFTA but should not withdraw from the agreement.
| Economy, Retail Sales
Retail sales in September increased 0.5 percent over August and were up 3.2 percent year-over-year, according to NRF. The numbers exlcude automobiles, gasoline stations and restaurants.
| Economy
A storeowner from Massachusetts represented NRF at the White House as President Trump signed an executive order that would allow more small businesses to buy health insurance for their workers through federally sanctioned association health plans.