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| Economy
The National Retail Federation today applauded the House for passing the American Health Care Act, legislation that would repeal the Affordable Care Act.
| Economy
The National Retail Federation today called on the House to repeal the Affordable Care Act, saying lawmakers should take advantage of a “real opportunity” rather than continue to debate details of the bill and risk failing to obtain sufficient votes a second time.
| Economy
NRF called on the House Financial Services Committee to reject efforts to repeal debit card swipe fee reform as it considers approval of the Financial Choice Act.
| Economy, Small Business
NRF welcomed renewed efforts in Congress to require online sellers to collect sales tax the same as local stores, noting mounting pressure from states for Washington to act.
| Economy, Workforce
The National Retail Federation welcomed today’s confirmation of Alexander Acosta as secretary of labor and said his leadership would bring back balance to the agency.
| Economy, Workforce
The National Council of Chain Restaurants called on the Senate to confirm nominee Alexander Acosta as secretary of labor.
| Economy
The National Retail Federation welcomed the proposal on comprehensive tax reform released by President Trump.
| Economy
NRF and retailers from across the country went to Capitol Hill as Congress held a hearing on legislation that would repeal debit card swipe fee reform, saying reform has saved merchants and consumers more than $40 billion and should be protected.
| Consumer Trends, Holidays & Seasonal, Mother's Day
With 85 percent of consumers surveyed celebrating the holiday, total spending is expected to reach $23.6 billion. That’s the highest number in the survey’s 14-year history, topping last year’s previous record of $21.4 billion.
| Economy, Retail Sales
Retail sales in March increased 0.3 percent seasonally adjusted over February and 3.5 percent unadjusted year-over-year, according to calculations released today by the National Retail Federation. The numbers exclude automobiles, gasoline stations and restaurants.