International Trade Advisory Committee

Join our international trade network

The NRF International Trade Advisory Committee connects senior-level retail executives who support sourcing, compliance and trade roles within NRF retail member companies. This committee's key goal is to represent the industry's interests in facilitating trade efforts and eliminating burdensome U.S. and foreign trade barriers.

Trade networking


The council convenes at least once per month and participates in two joint meetings with the Strategic Supply Chain Council.


The NRF International Trade Advisory Committee is open to senior-level retail executives or general counsel responsible for retail sourcing, compliance or trade within NRF member retail companies, or at NRF’s discretion.

How to join

Interested in joining the NRF International Trade Advisory Committee or learning more about NRF’s supply chain-focused activities? Contact Jon Gold, NRF’s vice president of supply chain and customs policy.

The NRF International Trade Advisory Committee is open to senior-level retail executives or general counsel responsible for retail sourcing, compliance or trade within NRF member retail companies, or at NRF’s discretion.

Supply chain resources

The NRF International Trade Advisory Committee provides strategic leadership supporting NRF’s other supply chain-focused member communities, including the Strategic Supply Chain Council, Sustainability Council and NCCR Food Supply Chain Committee.

Certifying the Auditors: Setting Standards for Independent Social Compliance Audits

Watch this members-only webinar to learn more about the Association of Professional Social Compliance (APSCA) program. Speakers from the APSCA, the Walt Disney Company and Home Depot will discuss the importance of having certified auditors performing social compliance audits.


Explore additional supply chain resources

Supply Chain
NRF works with supply chain professionals to develop resources and policies that improve the retail industry.
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Global Port Tracker
Global Port Tracker, produced jointly with Hackett Associates, evaluates and monitors key port data.
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Retail Trade Issues September 2024
A review of trade issues that will impact retailers in September 2024 and into the future.
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Global Trade
U.S. companies need modern trade policy in order to become more competitive and grow.
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Retail Trade Issues August 2024
A review of trade issues that will impact retailers in August 2024 and into the future.
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Retail Trade Issues July 2024
A review of trade issues that will impact retailers in July 2024 and into the future.
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Interested in joining?

Interested in joining a council, but unsure which one is right for you or unsure of your company’s membership status? We want you to be part of our retail community. Connect with the team today at to learn more.